Empower people with SMI to flourish

Vanna provides compassionate care to a group of people who have faced a life of discrimination. The Vanna Health solution is a first step toward our overall mission of empowering people with SMI to live with dignity and respect as active participants in society.

people doing arts activity together and smiling

The clinical model behind Vanna is proven to improve social outcomes


Individuals housed, up from 60%

> 5%



Improvement in time employed
Learn more about our model
woman looking sad while sitting on window sill

People with SMI face higher risk of disenfranchisement from society

  • 6x higher rate of homelessness

  • 30x higher rate of incarceration

  • 25x higher rate of unemployment

People with SMI suffer from traumatic experiences that erode their trust with the healthcare industry.

This leads them to feel alienated and alone at a time when they need help the most.

Tom Insel, former director of the National Institute of Mental Health, co-founder and executive chairman of Vanna

SMI leads to billions in lost productivity for the US economy


Estimated lost productivity from people with SMI each year, on top of the $200B spent on their healthcare each year

Capture billions in savings while providing better care through Vanna


Estimated savings from solutions like Vanna, translating into:


In annual savings ($12B-$17B in Medicaid alone)

See how your organization can partner with Vanna

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